Finnish Housing Fair attracts 130,000 visitors to the city of Seinäjoki

12.8.2016 15:00 EEST

This year UPM Biofuels is one of the fair's key partners. Over one month the fair attracted 130,000 visitors interested in taking a peek at the latest trends in building, renovation, interior design and landscaping solutions.

As a result of this collaboration visitors can ride to the fair area in a bus fuelled by St1’s diesel including UPM BioVerno, a wood-based renewable diesel produced from tall oil, a residue of pulp production. The bus has been running in the area throughout an eventful summer for Seinäjoki.

“We started the cooperation with the Finnish Housing Fair this year and we couldn´t be more happy with the results – great feedback from the visitors and excellent visibility for our UPM BioVerno diesel,” says Sari Mannonen, head of UPM Biofuels Business.
The UPM BioVerno bus can still be seen in the local traffic in Seinäjoki until the beginning of September.

“Building infrastructure and transportation are closely related to housing and living solutions. This summer the cooperation with UPM Biofuels enabled us to influence the emissions of the bus transportation at the fair and to highlight Finnish innovations in a concrete way. Based on the media coverage, we managed to bring up the issue in a way that our customers found interesting,” says Harri Tuomaala, the CEO of Housing Fair Finland.

Housing Fair Finland took place from 8 July to 7 August 2016 in Pruukinranta, Seinäjoki. This year’s theme concentrated on the Ostrobothnian can-do attitude and the fair showcased their heritage of building in a modern way. Visitors had a unique chance to see and experience over 40 distinctive Finnish homes in a single day.

New ways to experience the Housing Fair

According to the mid-way study conducted among Housing Fair visitors, 95% of them considered the versatility of the houses good or excellent. Over 77% spent a minimum of four hours at the fair. The number of tickets sold through web and the social media campaigns multiplied compared to previous years.

Social media and net services played a more important role in the execution of the fair. For the first time customers were able to familiarise themselves with houses through virtual tours. Virtual house tours have created a lot of interest.

Kimara Katriina is one of the houses available for virtual tours.

Next year Housing Fair Finland will be organised in Mikkeli, a city next to Lake Saimaa. The starting point of the building has been the utilisation of Lake Saimaa and the wonderful natural environment the area offers as well as combining year-round exercise possibilities to an entity that works well.

Pictures: Finnish Housing Fair and Ville Vauhkonen