UPM has been listed as the only forest and paper industry company in the Dow Jones Global and European Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the years 2023-2024. The indices cover environmental, social and governance aspects of responsibility.
"In a rapidly changing world, companies need to accelerate their pace and commit to long-term, tangible sustainability actions. UPM has a unique role to lead the transition towards a future beyond fossils. We enable our customers and consumers achieve their own sustainability targets and contribute positively to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We have also adopted a transparent and holistic approach to reporting to meet the ever-expanding demands of our stakeholders," says Sami Lundgren, Vice President of Responsibility at UPM.
In autumn 2023, UPM upgraded its Green Finance Framework, for which it received the highest possible 'dark green' rating from S&P Global Ratings. The company also joined the UN Global Compact Forward Faster Initiative, which calls on global business leaders to take measurable action to accelerate progress on the SDGs. UPM’s commitment includes promoting gender equality, ensuring a living wage and achieving the ambitious zero emissions target.
Read more on S&P Global website and upm.com/responsibility.
For further information, please contact:
Sami Lundgren, Vice President, Responsibility, UPM, tel. +358 40 580 0910
UPM, Media Relations
Mon-Fri 9:00-16:00 EET
tel. +358 40 588 3284
We deliver renewable and responsible solutions and innovate for a future beyond fossils across six business areas: UPM Fibres, UPM Energy, UPM Raflatac, UPM Specialty Papers, UPM Communication Papers and UPM Plywood. As the industry leader in responsibility, we are committed to the UN Business Ambition for 1.5°C and the science-based targets to mitigate climate change. We employ 17,200 people worldwide and our annual sales are approximately EUR 11.7 billion. Our shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. UPM Biofore – Beyond fossils. www.upm.com
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